Monday, March 28, 2011


I've definitely been slacking on the blogging lately so I thought I'd give an explanation....
This month has been CRAZY busy between:

1. Visiting family - I spent a few days in Victoria visiting my sister, bro-in-law and niece, a few days in Kamloops (well Savona actually) visiting all of the above plus my other sister, other (brand-new!!) niece and parents, a few days (again) in Savona visiting above plus a very dear family friend (and honorary "sista") AND my sister and niece visited me here in Vancouver for a couple of days too! UGH, so much family, so little time! Here are a couple pics of my two nieces who have dominated my time over the past month:

Avery Rae Weber with her Auntie Kelsey after bath time
Avery with her Grampa Hambrook (Yup, that's my dad!)
Kyra Marie Frost swinging life away
Kyra with her Auntie Kelsey
Kyra holding baby Avery's hand... she was sooo gentle, it was adorable!
Kyra holding Avery... loving cousins!

2. I'm MOVING!!! A large part of my time has been spent looking for new apartments and trying to work out details relating to moving. This is a bittersweet step in my life... Sweet because I'm super excited to have my own space and live within walking distance of my work (so I can get rid of the money-sink that is my lovely, beautiful and gracefully aged car, Sasha)... think of all the decorating and DIY potential in my very own brand new place! This is compounded by the fact that I have NO furniture and EVERYTHING in my current apartment belongs to my roomie so I forsee lots of furniture shopping/decorating blog posts in the near(ish) future! It is also very bitter because I'll be moving away from my wonderful, hilarious, talented (and fashionable... check out his GENIUS blog here) roommate, Cassidy. FYI, Cass has been a delightful and amazing roommate for the past year, I couldn't ask for better, but our wishes in new living accommadations differ greatly so, alas, we find our co-habitation coming to an end....

3. Sometimes I work.

So, that's why I've been neglecting the blogging but I promise I'll get back on track ASAP! The big move happens this Friday so after that I should have something good to post about!

Thanks for being patient!


1 comment:

  1. love, love, love the photo of kyra and avery. heart. might. burst!

    jess a
